Anti-inflammatory Potential of One Novel Derivate of Icariin in Vitro and in Vivo in charge of a motor vehicle with alcohol concentration above prescribed limit 一种新的淫羊藿苷衍生物体内和体外抗炎机制研究(英文)在体内酒精浓度超过订明限制的情况下掌管汽车
There are potential negative health effects of long-term alcohol use, and the flavonoids found in red wine can be found in other food and drink like fruits and vegetables and grape juice, she said. 有潜在的负面健康影响的长期酒精的使用,和黄酮类化合物的发现,红葡萄酒中可以发现,在其他食品和饮料一样,水果和蔬菜和葡萄汁,她说。
Mt's fermentation kinetics are steady and its alcohol tolerance is high, however, it will benefit from a balanced nutrient strategy especially in low available nitrogen musts with high potential alcohol. 摩的酒精发酵动力学的稳定和宽容是高的,但是它将从战略均衡的营养特别低酒精高潜力务必速效氮。
They also identified potential confounders, including sex, age, living in a crowded home, household income, marital status, alcohol use and employment. 他们也同时考虑了其他潜在影响因素,包括性别,年龄,住在拥挤房子里,家庭收入,家庭地位,酒精饮用以及雇主。
Selective CB1-R antagonists have potential in the treatment of a number of diseases, such as obesity, alcohol dependence, nicotine addiction, cognitive disorders, and gastrointestinal disorders. 选择性的CB1受体阻滞剂通过作用该受体,具有治疗肥胖、酒精依赖、尼古丁成瘾、认知障碍以及胃肠道系统疾病等作用。
Reversal Effect of Naloxone on Flash Visual Evoked Potential Changed by Alcohol in Rats 酒精对大鼠闪光视觉诱发电位影响及纳洛酮翻转作用的研究
Objective: To investigate the influence of alcohol on flash Visual evoked potential ( FVEP) and the reversal effect of naloxone on FVEP changed by alcohol. 目的:观察酒精对大鼠闪光视觉诱发电位(FVEP)的影响及纳洛酮的翻转作用。
In the potential range between 0.18 and 0.46V, the oxidation current density is obviously higher in the NGPS than in the PGPS. The above phenomenon suggests that there is self-poisoning in primary alcohol electro-oxidation. 在0.18~0.48V电位区间内,负向电位扫描中伯醇的氧化电流明显比正向电位扫描的大,说明这些伯醇的电氧化中都存在自毒化现象。
It can also obviously decrease the potential difference ( PD) fall caused by the absolute alcohol and improve the physiological function of the gastrointestinal tract. 亦能明显减小无水酒精引起胃粘膜电位差值下降的幅度以及改善胃肠生理机能。
We found that the oscillations of electrical potential occured spontaneously in a new system consisting of an organic solution of 2, 6 dinitrophenol in nitrobenzene, placed between two aqueous phases, one containing crystal violet with alcohol at various concentrations and another containing sucrose. 本文报道一种新的液膜振荡体系.该体系的二水相分别是结晶紫的水溶液(含有一定浓度的醇)和蔗糖溶液,介于二水相之间的油相为2,6-二硝基苯酚的硝基苯溶液。
The results showed that the ζ potential of the SLN prepared by using 0.2% sodium cholate solution as a dispersion phase was lower than that prepared by using 0.2% polyvinyl alcohol, while the entrapment efficiency decreased from 97.3% to 62.9%. 结果表明,以0.2%胆酸钠为分散介质的制品,ζ电位绝对值比以0.2%聚乙烯醇为分散相的制品显著增大,包封率由97.3%降至62.9%。
Is considered as one of the most potential energy plants. At present, it has been used as a raw material of alcohol production and power. 芒属植物被认为是最有潜力的能源作物之一,目前人们已经将其用作生物乙醇生产原料和发电燃料。